Saturday, October 15, 2016

Top 4 Movie Making Tutorial Resources

Is film school worth it? 

Yes and no. A huge advantage of going to film school is networking. Working with colleagues that have the same "goal" you do which is to work in Hollywood and have a big movie. However, the advantage of not going to film school is saving yourself a lot of $$$.

Personally, I don't think you need film school anymore. Perhaps in the past, but today I can find all I need through the Internet. So, what kind of resources are out there to help me become a good movie maker? Here is a list of 4 resources that can help you instead of film school:

Lynda Video Training & Tutorials

Lynda is quite possibly the best for video tutorials. The above is a trailer for Lynda. Try them out for a free trial!

RocketJump Film School

RocketJump is a more hip and cool approach to film making compared to Lynda. This was started by YouTube star Freddie Wong.

Film Riot

Film Riot is very much RocketJump, but they have been doing tutorials longer than RocketJump. Highly recommend Film Riot. 


That's right. You. You can learn how to do video production all by yourself without having film school or the Internet. Just take a camera and start shooting! 

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