Monday, October 10, 2016

Laser Light Show: Editing

The above photo is the old style of editing using actual film strips! Anyway, editing. You finally have completed the production process and are now moving into the post-production process. Oh boy. This is the part of the process where everyone just wants to add crazy effects in order to make their movie cool.

Look, you're movie is going to be awful if you can't cut together a good sequence. Don't worry about the effects first, worry about the story first. If something doesn't add up in the footage that you got, then cut it or re-shoot it. Also, don't be afraid to be wrong. Stuff happens in movies that you didn't anticipate and that is okay. Frustrating, yes. But this stuff does happen.

Finally, don't go straight to Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut, or any other advanced movie making software without learning the basics: Windows Movie Maker or iMovie. I know that these are for amateurs, but please learn with them first and then move onto to bigger and better things. Don't forget to always save!


  1. Great post, Film Wizard! You made some great points here. I agree with your tips about fundamentals first. I think it's important to focus on the story before the effects as well as understanding the software basics too.

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